Sunday, May 10, 2015

Starting over.... again

We didn't start our time in Cambodia with a firm end date in mind, but thought we would stay at least two or three years.  Well, just shy of the two year mark we are back in the good old USA.  Transition has been the definition of much of our time the last two years, and it will follow us for a while longer. 

We knew that it would be harder for us to integrate into our new life in Cambodia if we kept our things, so only a few precious memories were stored and all household items except what could fit into 14 suitcases were sold or given away.  A couple of weeks ago we sorted through everything we had brought to Cambodia or acquired in the last two years.  The same process but backwards.  What is worth carrying back to the US?  What is really important?  And what in the world are we going to do with the rest of this stuff?! 

So we packed 14 suitcases with home school books, special toys, items that we hope will bring back good memories, and all of our most important things and took them to the airport.  Another couple long airplane rides with sick kids (because what fun is an international flight unless someone uses the barf bags?) and we are back and trying to figure out where to locate ourselves.  Where and how will we fit in now?  Will this move back be as hard or even harder on our kids than the first big move overseas? 
Transition is a complicated thing.  We had to say goodbye to friends we had made, people we have worked with, and places that we have come to enjoy.  But we also get to say hello to our family, and we will get to see them regularly again.  We get to come home to a country where things are protected and safe.  Where we can take a walk in the forest without fear of tigers or leftover landmines. 

Are we glad we spent two years of our lives in Asia?  Yes!  Definitely, yes!  I understand better than I ever wanted to the pain and suffering that comes from Human Trafficking.  I know the difficult struggle of those who have been rescued and are trying to reclaim their life.  I have seen firsthand children I know get sold for the financial benefit of their parents.

 I have also seen God working in a country that is so dark and filled with evil that it is hard to comprehend.  I know that He is there, and He will always be there with those who have come to believe in and trust Him.  He is the reason we left our American life and went to Asia.  He is the reason we will continue to look for ways to fight for the weak and downtrodden in this world. 

1 Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

This will continue to be our goal, that wherever we are, whatever we are doing we are doing it all for His glory, because it's really the only thing worth doing.

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